Thursday, 16 February 2006

The Wise and Foolish in Matthew 25

Appreciated a sobering reminder this morning from the Gospel of Matthew 25. In the parable of the "ten virgins" (representing Christian believers) who await their coming Lord ("the Bridegroom") verse 5 reveals that "they all became drowsy and slept"; but "at midnight" they heard the cry and went forth to meet him. So, "all those virgins arose". Yet, five were foolish and five were prudent. The succeeding verses reveal the nature of their condition at the Lord's return. Unlike the prudent virgins the foolish did not have the "oil [Spirit] in their vessels [soul]. While they had received the Lord's salvation freely (Rom.6:23) they had not paid the price to buy the oil - allowing the Lord through prayer - to saturate their being.
While they had anticipated the Lord's coming there had not, in their lifetime, been the accumulation of the oil deposited into their being. Therefore, today we must be "watching unto this" (Eph.6:18) in terms of maintaining our prayer life which necessitates paying the price, instead of indulging in worldly excesses.