Monday 7 January 2008

Back again, in the wake of the first weekend into the Crystallization Study of 1 and 2 Peter and Jude. A sobering yet encouraging word from the outset concerning the Christian life under the government of God within the context of God's eternal economy as it's central focus and the operation of the Triune God (the Father's selection, the Spirit's sanctification and the Son's redemption) as it's basic structure.

As a consequence of the above training I was pray-reading 1 Peter 2:2-3 this morning and had the realisation that to "grow unto salvation" we have to feed on the "guiless milk of the word" (v.2), the emphasis on "eating" the word indicated by "If you have tasted..." (v.3). Although we may read, study the Word of God, unless we eat it by pray-reading, as did Jeremiah in the Old Testament (Jer.15:16) and Paul in the New Testament (Eph.6:18) we will not grow unto salvation!

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