Thursday 24 July 2008

The Lord's coming

As I continue reading through the New Testament (now in 2 Peter 3), the word shows that there will be "mockers" in these last days, saying, "Where is the promise of His coming?", even implying that the Lord is "tardy"! However, verse 9 states: "The Lord does not delay regarding the promise". Nevertheless, while He is not tardy, we -- the believers -- ought to be "Expecting and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord" (v.12). Thus, not only do we have the expectation that the Lord will return but we also need to live in "a holy manner of life and godliness" to hasten that day. Yet, the Lord's mercy is such that His "...heart is set not on the time of the fulfillment of His promise but on His people...that none of us, His precious ones would be punished by His governmental judgement" (v.9, footnote 4). Praise the Lord.

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